NaNet Websites

Optimise Your Website for Maximum Visibility

SEO Process

We ensure your website is running smoothly, add a handwritten business post with relevant keywords, manage your reviews, and analyse results on a weekly basis to help your site get the visitors you want.

NaNet Websites

Our weekly SEO

Our weekly SEO service is designed to give your website a weekly SEO boost and ensure your site is running as it should. You can choose which of the services we provide.

  • 1
    Website & Competitor Analysis
  • 2

    Social Media Accounts Setup

  • 3

    Site Visibility Checks

  • 4
    Handwritten Post
  • 5

    Review Management

  • 6

    Results Analysed

Steps 3 through 6 are conducted on a weekly cycle to ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of your SEO strategy.

Our SEO Process


We analyse your website including key metrics and keywords and compare it to your competitors and industry standards for your business.


We make sure your on site and off-site SEO is looking good, including Google Business Profile, Apple Business Connect profile, Bing Places for Business account, and Facebook or even other social media accounts.


We check that the site is live, indexed, and visible to Google and has been receiving visitors through the week. We’ll look into any problems that arise and fix anything minor ourselves.


We add weekly updates to your GBP and/or social media accounts to help rank more highly on search engines and to help customers know you’re active.


We thank your customers for their reviews and appeal against mistaken reviews, helping keep as many stars online.

Analyse Results

We check Google Analytics and Google Search Console to ensure your website is visible and active online and use information gathered to further improve the SEO.


Before we make any changes to your website we ensure we understand what we’re working with. We look into your website, your business, and your competitors business and may ask you questions about your business operations to best understand how we can attract the right clients or customers for your business.

We’ll also be analysing your visitors’ user experience to see whether there are any problems preventing users from converting on your site and resolving them to ensure a fully functioning site before we start increasing the site’s visibility.
Finding the right keywords for your business is an important step in search engine optimisation. We’ll ask you about the services and products you offer, what makes your business unique, and how your customers typically find you. We’ll take this information and what we’ve learned from the previous analysis and find the most relevant keywords for your business.


We’ll add your business to Google Business Profiles, Apple Business Connect, and Bing Places for Business as well as your social media of choice to get seen on other sites.

We can use the information we’ve gathered from this keyword analysis to go through your site and update the metadata, which will help people searching for your site find it!
For all accounts we ensure the site is healthy and that pages are indexed by Google so people searching on the platform can easily find your site. During our weekly checks we ensure the pages are still indexed and that the site is getting seen by searchers.
  • Ensure site visibility
  • Social media visibility
  • Google Business Profile
  • Apple Business Connect
  • Bing Places for Business
  • Google Search Console
  • Search Volume Metrics
  • Local SEO Keywords
  • Keyword difficulty assessment
  • Service and product analysis

Confirm Visibility

We check every week whether there were any problems for visitors trying to visit your site. We do this by checking whether there have been any changes in the number of visitors without there being a relevant change in the number of searches. And ensuring the site is still indexed.

If we do come across any problems that may have caused your site to prevent visits we’ll try to fix it ourselves first. With years of experience under our belts most problems can be fixed in a few minutes that may have otherwise kept your site offline.
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Reduce downtime
  • Reduce customer dissatisfaction

Post Weekly Content

We hand write all of our SEO posts to prevent any possible penalisation from Google. We can be left to come up with all of the post content ourselves or if there’s anything you’d like us to include just let us know!

We’d love to hear about them! Your Google business Profile and social media pages are great ways of sending the message out about news or promotions. Simply send us an email with the important information and we’ll write a relevant post for the week.
  • Product or Service Highlights
  • Tips and Advice
  • Success Stories
  • Seasonal Content
  • Milestones and Achievements
  • Sustainability Efforts
  • Employee Spotlights
  • Special Events

Appreciate Your Reviewers

Reading and responding to your own reviews can sometimes be overwhelming. If you’d rather leave that task to us, we can reply to your reviews in a professional and courteous manner to help keep your business reputation sound.

We’ll happily reply to as many or few reviews as you’d like, if you want us to leave 1 star reviews to you or would like your input before replying that’s fine or we can manage your reviews entirely ourselves.
  • Responding to Positive Reviews
  • Handling Negative Feedback
  • Appealing Incorrect Reviews
  • Improving Online Reputation

Analyse Results

Every website we manage will have Google Analytics installed which we can use to analyse and monitor your results. We will be checking this weekly to ensure the site is performing as expected, and we can give you access to view your website’s performance at any point.

We check how well results are working with the keywords we’ve been using and whether any are performing better than others.
Our weekly SEO service includes steps 3-6 repeated every week so you can be sure that minor issues with your site are resolved quickly. Our posts will also help you get seen more on Google and your social media choice, helping get more link clicks and increasing your overall chance of getting conversions through your site. Customers will also know that you’re still active and will be able to see offers or promotions you have available.
  • Results Analysis
  • Keyword Trends
  • Seasonal Trends
  • User Intent Matching

Download Our Free SEO Process Guide

Unlock the full potential of your website with our expert SEO guide. Download your free PDF now!

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Let’s Make Things Happen

Reach out to our team today and let us bring your vision to life with a truly remarkable website tailored to your needs!

  • Get your business seen on google
  • Professional and affordable
  • Short time scale projects
  • Fast websites for user satisfaction
  • Increase local sales

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